Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday & Friday
9:30am - 2:00pm
Digital Prayer Services
Weekdays 12:00pm
Cell Phone: 716-713-6365
We thank you for your tithes and offerings that allow us to continue helping our brothers and sisters of the WNY community and beyond.
The mission of Riverside Presbyterian Church is to follow the Commandment given to us by Jesus Christ, which directs us to
“Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another."
John 13:34
Our Commitment to our Mission
As a community of faith, we express our commitment to our mission statement to follow Jesus’ commandment by giving dignity and respect to all people. We welcome everyone into our community of faith without regard to race, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity and expression, who they love, or mental or physical challenges. We strive to create a warm and embracing community in which our faith can be strengthened. We endeavor to fulfill our mission of love in the large community by serving meals to the poor and homeless in a local soup kitchen and sending our youth on an annual mission trip to help residents in impoverished areas or in areas that have been devastated by natural disasters.
We reach out to the community in many ways through many venues to show God’s presence in the world and to care for our neighbors, those close to home, those far away, and everyone in between.
We show service through:
Heart and Soul Soup Kitchen
Teams of Riversiders man the soup kitchen at Heart and Soul, a local food pantry and program center at 939 Ontario avenue, near Main St. In Niagara Falls’ inner city, on the third Saturday of each month through June. Workers meet at the church by 9:30am and carpool to Heart and Soul., usually finishing by 2:00pm. Heart and Soul is a non-profit organization dedicated to feeding those in need and improving their quality of life. In addition to providing hot lunches five days a week, volunteers provide bags of emergency food, supply snacks for after school programs, provide job preparation in training kitchens, give nutrition and meal planning assistance to low income individuals, and distribute Christmas baskets to hundreds of families.
Youth Group
The Youth Group, children grades 6 through 12, perform many services throughout the year, participating in many mission areas of the church, culminating in a trip to another city to work for a local charity. The time away is eye-opening for the youth, giving them an opportunity to see how other people live, and to realize how much alike our neighbors are no matter where they live. The youth raise funds for their trip through dinners, food sales and car washes.
Family violence can occur on many levels. It can be as simple as verbal or emotional abuse or as threatening as physical violence. Anyone can be a victim: a spouse, a child, or an elderly family member. Family & children’s services meets the needs of domestic violence with the passage program a 24-hour emergency shelter for victims, which includes support and counseling groups and education programs for victims and abusers. All donations of personal hygiene products and cash donations are gratefully appreciated.
We believe that Christ has created Riverside Church in order to be a blessing to the greater community of Lasalle and the towns of Niagara and Wheatfield. We believe true joy and happiness are found in life in relationship with God and in service to Him. By the power of the Holy Spirit we wish to share the blessings of God with those around us. Our work and mission will be shaped by our trust in the following truths proclaimed by Jesus:
I. Happy are those who worship the lord, for they shall experience the presence of God
“you shall love the Lord your god with all your heart, mind and soul.”
Worship is the core of our church’s life together.
II. Happy are those who open themselves to others, for they shall discover human relationship
“love one another even as I have loved you.”
The fellowship of our church in central to its strength.
III. Happy are those who care for those in need, for they shall find Christ
“when you have done it to the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me.”
The church is to minister to people in need.
IV. Happy are those who are learning god’s word, for they shall become the people God intends them to be.
“be ye perfect.”
The church is to foster the spiritual growth of its men, women and children that they might become better disciples.
V. Happy are those who share the good news of Christ, for their own faith is strengthened.
“go into all the world…”
The church is to proclaim and teach the gospel of Christ.
One of the reasons many visitors to Riverside come back and become members is they feel the fellowship and hospitality of riverside, including refreshments and cookies after worship services each week.
The women of the church gather together to prepare for the annual snowflake bazaar, held the first weekend in November, to earn money for mission projects and to beautify the church. The group also collects money for a scholarship fund for people continuing their education beyond high school.
The bazaar includes homemade crafts, a book sale to benefit the scholarship fund, a bake sale, a basement full of treasures, jewelry, a large basket auction, lunch and a chicken barbeque. Much work and many hands go into such a big project here at riverside. Workshops to create the crafts and plan the bazaar are held on Tuesdays from January through October.
Join us for a coffee break!
9:30am to 11:00am Fridays, all are welcome to visit Laura and friends for coffee and conversation!
Riverside Presbyterian Church started out as Lasalle Congregational Church in a Civil-War era building on the corner of Mang Ave. And 88th st. In the village of Lasalle. In the Spring of 1928, its 30 members petitioned Niagara Presbytery to be admitted to the denomination. They were accepted, and the church was incorporated July 16,1928.
The Presbytery of Western New York is the regional governing body of the Presbyterian Church, USA. And the Synod of the Northeast, serving more than 13,000 Presbyterians in 64 congregations in Niagara, Erie, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties.
More than two million people call the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) their spiritual home. Worshiping in 10,000 Presbyterian congregations throughout the United States, they engage the communities in which they live and serve with God’s love.
Many of our studies are guided by a lectionary, either the daily listing in a two-year cycle from the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship, or the interdenominational revised common lectionary three-year cycle for Sundays and festivals. Both provide a disciplined way to read the bible and immerse yourself in the depth and breadth of scriptur
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